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Playing Cards

Playing Cards

playing cards blue
playing card red

This is a travel magazine for solo travellers whose brand type is the explorer in their 20s and 30s who are visiting Montreal for the first time, with an Explorer brand type.In addition to famous tourist spots, it includes information on lesser-known museums where you can gain knowledge and the natural beauty of the suburbs.We learned an excellent technique in a class called Duotone, and one of the team suggested we use it. We decided to use it to differentiate ourselves from other travel magazines. We used spring colours like pink, yellow, and green as the primary colours. (For the spring edition.)

The second spread has a large photo (of downtown taken from Mont-Royal Park) to catch the reader’s attention. The spread of Our Team is designed to have two lines space of text. Usually, we would create the paragraphs to be aligned, but we decided to break that standard rule. It is because the explorer seeks freedom. The spread contains a beautiful photo of a man canoeing on a lake. We used this photo because canoes and lakes are associated with adventurers. The first topic I brought up as content was seasonal topics. Readers will soon learn what to do in Montreal in the spring. We feature local parks and less famous museums because explorers like to explore places that regular travellers don’t visit. The pages embody freedom by making quotations significant and contrasting and placing them across them.